The History

The history of my collection

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“June 7, 1961, 07.25 a.m., I head with vigorous steps towards the Jardim Júlio Graça where my store is located.

In this my little ritual and as I savored this dawning for the vitality of another day, the director of the Palace Hotel of our city, Mr. Pepe Carrera, wrapped up in the morning mist, in a deep agitation that was contrary to the serenity he usually had. My surprise collided with his anxious but satisfied gaze to meet me, and, in dismay, he confessed to me the reason for his mysterious disturbance. An unexpected reservation left him really distressed, and in desperation he asked me for help to satisfy a very special request. In his hotel would be staying for three months, seventy-four senior government officials, who expressed the desire to see contemplated in the service to be provided by the hotel, the provision of an exquisite range of port wines, wines table wine and spirits, specifying very clearly their producers and brands: Niepoort, Ferreirinha, Dona Antónia Ferreira, Wiese & Krohn, Real Vinícola, Borges, Taylor’s, Borges, Dalva, Sandeman and Cálem. I confess that even I, with many years of experience in the field, considered it a complex task.

I endeavored to reassure him, beginning in a settled way, an incessant search so that I could help my friend in such a challenge!

All the stockists, travelers / sellers that it approached, said to be inaccessible products because they were destined to regulate supply of the export market, namely UK and for that reason almost impossible to commercialize in the national market.

The following nights were witnesses to my appeals to the divine to reveal a way out of my affliction. Oh inclemency! Oh martyrdom! Finally, my requests were answered and an unexpected emissary – Mr. Sousa, a traveler from Casa Ferreirinha – contributed to the supply of much of the desired elixirs, opening doors to a new world of producers and cellars. The full satisfaction of these illustrious guests drove the conquest of new customers desirous of keeping the palate caressed by these incomparable delicacies. And that’s how I’ve been getting direct mail for years.

The quality and the increasing demand for these rarities have led to their scarcity in the market. Gradually, I was investing the profit of this business in small purchases of these precious things, which I was methodically collecting and storing, thus constituting my precious collection.

” Mário Torres 1920 – 2008″

Now is the time for all this wine estate and these relics are placed at your disposal. Take this opportunity to get that bottle, who knows, unique in the world, and thus make history.

November 2015

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